GET 2 KNOW: Georges St. Pierre

STATUS: UFC Welterweight champion.

HT: 5-11 WT: 185

DOB: May 19, 1981 IN: Montreal, Quebec, Canada

CHILDHOOD HERO: “My first was probably Jesus Christ.”

HOBBIES/INTERESTS: “When I’m not fighting, I like to play ice hockey. Chess. I like to go see a movie. I like to play tennis. Play basketball.”

NICKNAME: “Rush. Because most of my fights finish quickly.”

FAVORITE MOVIES: “Jurassic Park and all the Star Wars series.”

FAVORITE TV SHOWS: “The Simpsons.”

MUSICAL TASTES: “Reggae, hip-hop. Bennie Man. Sean Paul. Fifty Cent. Elephant Man. Eminem. Also I like French reggae and French rap.”

FIRST JOB: “Work on the farm. (Picking what?) Strawberries (age 11 0r 12). (Where?) South shore of Montreal.”

FIRST CAR: “Ford Tempo 1991. (Color?) Red [laughs].”

CHILDHOOD DREAM(s): “A professional wrestler or professional fighter.”

FAVORITE MEAL: “Is Quebecois food. French Canadian food – Toutiere. In English I think it’s beef pie.”

FAVORITE BREAKFAST CEREAL: “My favorite breakfast is two eggs, sausage, bacon, cheese, potato, fresh fruit, big glass of orange juice – all the things.”


EARLY FIGHTING MEMORY: “When I first started (age 21). I remember one funny thing. I was fighting Thomas Denny. After the first round, I was feeling sick. I eliminate phlegm. And I was so tired. I said to my coach, I can’t go on, I think I’m gonna fall. I said to him, Right when the round starts I’m gonna try a high kick. If it misses, throw in the towel. And my coach said, Do you see a towel here? You’re gonna die in the ring. Then I hear the bell rings. I got pissed, he wanted me to die! I got so pissed I kicked his ass (won by late 2nd round KO). My coach gave me enough energy to finish.”

PRE-FIGHT FEELING: “I’m afraid of – not of my opponent – I’m afraid to perform not like I’m supposed to do. I’m very nervous but I stay very positive. Because it’s what I love to do. I need to enjoy it – that’s what I try to tell myself. (Look at the opponent upon entering ring?) Yeah, I look at him. I look around. Nothing specific things that I do. I’m not afraid to look at him.”

GREATEST SPORTS MOMENT: “When I beat Sean Sherk. Because at that time I thought I would have a title shot. It’s my most important victory I think.”

MOST PAINFUL MOMENT: “When I get injured. Do you mean mentally or physically? (Whatever comes to mind.) It’s when I was supposed to fight Pete Spratt, I injured my knee, five days before the fight. So I couldn’t fight. I thought I’d never have another chance to fight a world class fighter like Pete Spratt. At the time I was going to school and had very little money. I was very sad. Then, a couple of months later my manager called me and said I had another opportunity to fight Pete Spratt. Another painful moment is when I lose to Matt Hughes. It was more painful to see the tape. Because I realized I could beat this guy. But I just didn’t fight as well like I could.”

WORST INJURY: “I never had a real bad injury. I got one in my knee – stretched ligaments – before Pete Spratt fight.”

EMBARRASSING CAREER MEMORY: “When I lost to Matt Hughes. Most embarrassing moment.”

FAVORITE VACATION SPOT: “I’ve never been on vacations often but I went to Dominican Republic, it was very nice.”

FAVORITE FIGHTERS TO WATCH: “I like Randy Couture. (What about him?) He’s good as a fighter and as a person. He never give up and he always comes back. I like BJ Penn. (Why?) He’s very well-rounded. And according to a lot of people, one of the best in the world. And now I’m very happy to fight him. I feel very privileged. Also I like Matt Hughes. And Fedor. And I like Tito Ortiz also. (Why?) He’s very spectacular, he gave a good show. When you see him you’re nervous, you either like him or hate him. He’s probably the best guy in the world to entertain.”

FAVORITE FIGHT: “I like the fight between Thiago Alves against the Miletich Fighting Systems guy…Fisher.”

PEOPLE QUALITIES MOST ADMIRED: “I like to see an honest and respectful guy.”

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