
ESPN Friday Night Results: Estrada and Dallas Pound Their Way To Victories

By: William Holmes

Arlington Texas was home to ESPN Friday Night Fights latest installment of their season. In the opening bout, Shawn Estrada and Terrance Woods were originally contracted to fight at a weight limit of 172lbs. Last minute shenanigans ensued and the bout was changed to a weight limit of 190lbs. Absurdly, Estrada weighed in yesterday at 196lbs. Somehow the bout was allowed to continue, and Shawn Estrada pummeled Terrance Woods from corner to corner. Woods was clearly outclassed, and also had to deal with the extra weight but Estrada was unable to finish him. Coming in over 20 pounds heavier than the original contract weight was an embarrassment, and clearly swept every round. Somehow one judge saw the fight 78-74 for Estrada, which was laughable.

Mike Dallas Jr. took Migual Gonzalez in a junior welterweight bout. Dallas lost his last two previous bouts, but was able to bounce back tonight with a stead attack to the body and bouncing in and out with quick combinations. Gonzalez’s left hand was in a cast two weeks prior, but his punches did have any snap or power behind them, and ate several hard uppercuts to the body throughout the night. Dallas looked good tonight, and it was a good way to bounce back after two hard defeats.

Shawn Estrada (13-0) vs. Terrance Woods (9-3); Super Middleweight

Round 1:

Estrada comes out swinging in the middle of the ring with wild hooks. Estrada does look a little soft in the waist. Woods gets tagged with a left hook and a right hook upstairs. Estrada connects with jab and cross combinations by the ropes. Estrada connects with another three punch combination by the ropes and a hard overhand right. Estrada and Woods clinch by the center of the ring, and Estrada throws a jab at the chest of Woods. Woods lunges forward with a lead left hook, and Estrada comes back with blows to the body of Woods. Woods flicks a jab at the face of Estrada. Estrada catches Woods coming in with an overhand right. Woods complains about blows behind the head, and Estrada forces Woods to his corner with a barrage of punches. Woods catches Estrada with a short uppercut. Woods tags Estrada with a straight right hand, and an uppercut form Estrada sends Woods reeling back near the ropes, and Estrada unleashes a barrage of uppercuts on Woods as the round ends. 10-9 for Estrada.

Round 2:

Estrada comes forward with some early jabs. Estrada connects with a lead left hook to the temple of Woods. Woods come forward with some wild shots but lands some short right hooks. Estrada lands a uppercut to the body of Woods. Estrada leans in on Woods by the corner. Estrada has Woods trapped near the ropes and bangs some shots at the defense of Woods. Estrada lands a hard straight right hand, and gets warned by the referee for shots in the back of the head. Estrada barely misses with an overhand right. Woods punches his way out of the corner with a body head combination that is partially blocked. Estrada is standing in the center of the ring looking for an opening, and lands a vicious right hand upstairs, and Estrada continues to unload on Woods and pummels him with hard chopping overhand rights. The referee separates them and Estrada continues his assault and lands several hard shots on Woods as he tries to hold on. Estrada had hurt Woods badly, was very close to being stopped. 10-8 round for Estrada.

Round 3:

Estrada comes right back out and lands a hard jab and body shot on Woods. Woods covering up by the ropes and fighting very defensively. Estrada misses with a 1-2 combination and Woods fires back with a jab. Estrada lands a punch that was very close to the back of Woods’ head. Estrada lands a soft jab and backs Woods up by the ropes. Estrada connects with a few hard body shots while backing Woods up. Estrada tags Woods with a check left hook as Woods comes forward. Woods snaps the neck of Estrada back with a stiff jab, and counters Estrada near the ropes. Estrada lands with an up jab on Woods. Estrada lands another short uppercut by the corner, and connects with a hard right hand that gets around the guard. Woods lands a few short uppercuts as the round ends. 10-9 round for Estrada.

Round 4:

Estrada comes right back out on the offense as some punches glide past the defense of Woods. Estrada lands two stiff jabs as Woods backs away. Woods fires back with a two punch combinationat the defnse of Estrada. Estrada begins to attack the body of Woods near the ropes. Estrada lands a stiff left hand upstairs on Woods that stops him in his back. Estrada lands some hard uppercuts on Woods and Woods clinches to slow him down. Woods attempts to use his jab to keep Estrada at bay. Estrada bangs another hard right hand at the guard of Woods. Woods shakes off the blow, and Estrada digs in an uppercut on Woods. Estrada switches to southpaw, and misses with a wild left uppercut. Estrada continues his assault and bangs several punches at the defense of Woods, with some connects flushly. Woods fires back with short uppercuts, and Estrada tags Woods with two right hands as the round ends. 10-9 round for Estrada.

Round 5:

Estrada comes out firing behind his double jab and quick combinations as Woods retreats to the corner. Estrada backs Woods up near the corner again with a three punch combination. Estrada connects with a stiff straight right hand. Estrada lands a stiff left hand that sends Woods reeling back towards the corner. Estrada continues to apply the pressure as he lands some short uppercuts and straight right hands. Woods leans in on Woods near the corner and they exchange short uppercuts. Estrada gets the better of the exchange. Estrada eats a damaging right uppercut from Woods, but cames back firing straight right hands at the body and head of Woods. Woods misses with a wild overhand right. Estrada tags Woods with a clean right hand. Woods is unable to find an answer for the pressure of Estrada. 10-9 for Estrada.

Round 6:

Woods catches Estrada with a quick jab as he plods forward. Estrada misses with a lead left hook. Estrada cirlces to the left of Woods, and comes forward with a body head combination, with the body punch landing. Estrada connects with a lead left uppercut. Estrada is not as aggressive this round as he was in previous rounds. Estrada tags Woods with two quick jabs. Woods comes forward with a two punch combination to the body. Estrada connects with a body punch. Woods comes forward with a straight right hand and throws some short uppercuts at the guard of Estrada. Estrada lands a hardbody shot and a straight right hand that Woods acknowledges. Estrada unleashes several hard punches on Woods by the corner and ropes. Estrada connects with another straight right hand and Woods tries to get out of the way. Woods fires an uppercut back in defense. Estrada has Woods trapped by the corner and lands a stiff right hand and a right uppercut. Close to a 10-8 round, but not quite. 10-9 round for Estrada.

Round 7:

Estrada comes out swinging again and backs Woods up with hard hooks at the guard of Woods. Estrada continues to pummel Woods from corner to corner, and Estrada lands several short body shots to the body of Woods. Estrada lands short uppercuts to the body and head of Woods. Estrada lands a lead left hook on Woods by the ropes. Estrada digs another straight right hand at the body of Woods. Woods and Estrada trade straight rights at the same time, and Estrada comes firing back and lands some hard shorts that sends his neck snapping back. Estrada connects with two hard right uppercuts on Woods and has him back near another corner. Estrada pounds on Woods and is able to sneak a few punches through the guard of Woods. Estrada pounds another straight right hand and uppercut on Woods by the corner. 10-9 round for Estrada.

Round 8:

Terrence Woods has some bad swelling near his right eye. Estrada continues to pound at the defense of Woods. Woods lands a surprising hard straight right hand. Woods gets hurt by Estrada as he comes forward with combinations. Estrada comes forward with another two punch combination that is partially blocked. Estrada lands more combination on Woods by the corner. Referee calls time and has the corner of Estrada fix his gloves which had tape hanging off of it. Estrada continues to pummel Woods by the corner and Woods hangs on to survive. Estrada continues his assault on Woods and the annoucners are hoping that the referee stops the fight. Estrada continues to land hard shots to the head and body of Woods, and Woods continues to try and hang on. 10-8 round for Estrada.

Official scores are 78-74, 80-72, and 80-72 for Shawn Estrada.

Mike Dallas Jr. (17-2) vs. Migual Gonzalez (20-2); Junior Welterweight

Round 1:

Dallas comes out aggressive with his jab, and fires out two sets of double jabs. Gonzalez, the southpaw, tries to check hook Dallas as he comes in but misses. Dallas barely misses with an overhand right. Dallas misses with a cross to the body. Dallas connects with a hard straight right hand, and Gonzalez answers with a straight left hand. Gonzalez lunges forward with a jab, and the fighters clinch up by the center of the ring. Dallas misses with a jab but connects with a hard right hand. Dallas digs a right cross to the body of Gonzalez. Dallas snaps a jab in the face of Gonzalez. Dallas barely misses with a right hook to the body of Gonzalez. Gonzalez digs a short uppercut to the body of Dallas. 10-9 round for Dallas.

Round 2:

Dallas comes out firing with two punch combinations, and Gonzalez clinches up. They separate and Gonzalez may have caught Dallas with a left uppercut on the chin. Gonzalez comes forward and they clinch by the corner, and Gonzalez gets warned for shots behind the head. Dallas connects with two straight right hands, and some blood may be coming from the eye of Dallas. Dallas digs another straight right hand to the body and head of Gonzalez. Dallas is clearly the quicker fighter and throws out quick combinations in the center of the ring. Dallas’ straight right hand is finding it’s home often . Gonzalez connects with a straight left hand of his own. Dallas comes forward with two punch combinations and is using his speed to his advantage. Dallas is barely missing with his two punch combinations. 10-9 round for Dallas.

Round 3:

The cut above Dallas’s eye is ruled an accidental foul. Dallas has Gonzalez moving backward again with his straight right hand. Dallas digs in some hard uppercuts to the body of Gonzalez. Gonzalez lands a straight left hand coming in and slips and touches the floor. Dallas rips through another straight right hand, and Gonzalez clinches to slow him down. Dallas ducks under a left hook from Gonzalez. They clinch again and exchange short body shots. Gonzalez lands another straight left hand, and Dallas leans in on Gonzalez and bangs short uppercuts at the body of Gonzalez. Gonzalez connects with another straight left hand upstairs, but Dallas comes back with straight right hands. Gonzalez flicks a jab and straight left hand in the face of Dallas. 10-9 round for Dallas.

Round 4:

Dallas comes out and clinches with Gonzalez landing short uppercuts. One of the uppercuts from Dallas may have landed low and Gonzalez is given a short chance to recover. Replay shows the uppercut wasn’t that low. Dallas comes back out and fires hard uppercuts at the body of Gonzalez. Dallas this time lands a low blow and gets warned by the referee. Dallas connects with a straight lead right hand. They clinch near the center of the ring and Dallas lands short uppercuts. The referee warns Dallas for holding. Gonzalez lands a clean left hand upstairs. Dallas connects with more short right uppercuts on Gonzalez. Gonzalez falls to hi sknees and it is ruled a slip by the referee. 10-9 round for Dallas.

Round 5:

Dallas misses with a straight right hand upstairs, and they exchange short uppercuts again. Dallas lands hard body shots and fights his way out of the ropes. Gonzalez connects with a short right hook. Dallas leans in on Gonzalez by the ropes and digs short uppercuts to the body of Gonzalez. Dallas comes forward with two punch combinations, and is focusing on the body of Gonzalez. Dallas connects with another lead right hand, and continues to fire out two punch combinations. Dallas lands a hard right uppercut to the body of Gonzalez. Dallas connects with a lead right hand and digs more uppercuts to the body of Gonzalez. They’re starting to do some damage as Gonzalez winced after one of the body shots. Dallas whips out a three punch combinations, and slips a punch and follows it with a hard straight right hand. Dallas’ best round so far. 10-9 round for Dallas.

Round 6:

Gonzalez comes out firing his jab but looks a little tentative. They clinch and the referee seperates them. Dallas bangs hard combinations at the defense of Gonzalez but is digging some hard uppercuts and hooks to his body. Dallas is staying focused with his body attack on Gonzalez. Dallas lands another hard straight right hand on Gonzalez. Gonzalez is connects with some shots to the body of Dallas, but they are not nearly as hard as the shots from Dallas. Dallas and Gonzalez clinch by the center of the ring, and Dallas continues his assault to the body of Gonzalez. Dallas is leaning in on Gonzalez by the ropes. Dallas is staying busy with hooks and uppercuts to the body of Gonzalez. 10-9 round for Dallas.

Round 7:

Gonzalez eats an early straight hand from Dallas and a decent check left hook. Dallas digs two hard uppercuts to the body of Gonzalez and a short uppercut to his chin. Dallas connects with another hard right uppercut to the body of Gonzalez. Dallas and Gonzalez are tied up by the corner, and quickly get separated by the referee. Dallas digs in some more vicious uppercuts to the body of Gonzalez. Dallas connects with two straight right hands as Gonzalez tries to fight him off with straight left hands. Dallas is backed up to the ropes by Gonzalez with short hooks to the body. Dallas fires off more quick uppercuts to the body of Gonzalez. Gonzalez is taking a beating to his body. 10-9 round for Dallas.

Round 8:

Gonzalez fires some jabs at Dallas but misses, and Dallas answers with much quicker combinations. Dallas steps out of the way from a jab by Gonzalez. Gonzalez misses with a looping left hook and they clinch near the center of the ring. Gonzalez lands some short left hooks and uppercuts. Gonzalez misses with a two punch combination. Dallas stabs some jabs in the face of Gonzalez. Dallas connects with a quick combination to the body of Gonzalez. A straight right hand from Dallas is partially blocked. Gonzalez leans in on Dallas by the ropes and lands some short uppercuts. Dallas has another combination partially blocked. Dallas is starting to get a reaction from the crowd with his quick combinations. Gonzalez gets warned by the referee for a shot in the back of the head while they were tied up. Dallas digs a straight right hand left uppercut combination, and some more hard body shots. 10-9 round for Dallas.

Round 9:

Dallas and Gonzalez clinch up and exchange body shots. Dallas flicks out a quick jab at the nose of Gonzalez and digs in some more uppercuts to his body. Dallas lands looping right and left hooks on Gonzalez, and misses with a wild right hand. They lean in on each other again and exchange short hooks and uppercuts. Dallas and Gonzalez are clinching a lot this round, and Gonzalez clearly needs a knockout to win. Dallas lands with another hard right hand to the body of Gonzalez. Dallas connects with a straight right hand and right uppercut to the body of Gonzalez again. Dallas snaps two straight right hands to the face of Gonzalez again. 10-9 round for Dallas again.

Round 10:

Gonzalez comes out coming forward and lands an early left hook upstairs. They clinch by the center of the ring again and Dallas lands a left hook as they separate. Dallas digs in another right uppercut to the body of Gonzalez. Dallas lands a lead right hand on Gonzalez and a right uppercut. Dallas leans in on Gonzalez and Gonzalez pushes his head down, and the referee seperates them. Dallas gets in and out with more quick combinations. Gonzalez lands a good lead left hand and a left hook. They clinch again near the center of the ring and almost throw each other. Gonzalez needs to stop clinching and needs to go for the knockout. Dallas pushes Gonzalez back and lands a few decent uppercuts to the body of Gonzalez. Dallas easily ducks under a wild hook from Gonzalez. Gonzalez comes forward and lands a few short hooks to the body. 10-9 round for Gonzalez, but not a clear 10-9 round.

Official scores are 100-90, 100-90, and 100-89.

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