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HBO Boxing Results: Donaire and Chavez Earn Hard Fought Decision Victories

By: William Holmes

Nonito Donaire and Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. were featured in tonight’s HBO World Championship boxing card. Donaire took on the tough Wilfredo Vazquez Jr., and despite being a heavy favorite, experienced some difficulty with Vazquez. Donaire hurt his right hand halfway through the bout, but was able to knock his opponent down in ninth round and was able to coast to a clear cut decision victory. Afterwards Donaire indicated that he’d be staying in the Super Bantamweight division.

Julio Cesar Chavez fought a tough battle with veteran Marco Antonio Rubio. Rubio was a game fighter, but had no power and was unable to land any punches to hurt Chavez. Rubio won a few rounds just by being a more active fighter, but was unable to win enough to score an upset victory. Chavez battled to a decision victory by landing the harder and more effective punches.

Round by round results are as follows.

Nonito Donaire, Jr. (27-1) vs. Wilfredo Vazquez, Jr. (21-1); Super Bantamweight

Photo Credit : Chris Farina – Top Rank

Round 1:

Donaire and Vazquez come out to the center of the ring and Donaire starts to work off his jab. DOnaire throws a lunging left hook that misses. Vazquez throws out a jab and Donaire throws out two in return. Donaire throws out a lead left hook. DOnaire flicks a jab at the nose of Vazquez, and Vazquez answers with a jab of his own. Donaire throws a straight right cross, and flicks out three jabs in a row. Vazquez misses with a jab to the body. Donaire lands a lead left uppercut to the chin of Vazquez. Donaire misses with a three punch combination. Donaire bangs a three punch combination at the defense of Vazquez. Donaire misses with three punches upstairs and quick uppercut. Vazquez ducks under a right cross from Donaire. Donaire lands a quick left hook counter. 10-9 round for Donaire.

Round 2:

Donaire flicks out multiple jabs at the guard of Vazquez. Donaire partially connects with an overhand right. Donaire lands a lead left uppercut and an overhand right. Vazquez misses with a left uppercut. Donaire throws a two punch combination and then slips to the ground. Vazquez connects with a short jab. Donaire pauses and throws a right cross at the defense of Vazquez. Vazquez throws out his jab. Vazquez connects with a quick jab. Donaire dodges Vazquez’s next few jabs. Donaire connects with a hard right hand upstairs and a good left hand body shot. Donaire lands another hard body left hand body shot. Donare lands another left hook to the body of Vazquez, and gets warned for a headbutt. Vazquez barely misses with an overhand right. 10-9 round for Donaire.

Round 3:

Donaire flicks out his jab, and Vazquez counters as his jab connects. Donaire misses with an overhand right. Donaire bangs a leaping left hook and right cross at the guard of Vazquez. Donaire ducks under a left jab from Vazquez. Vazquez lands a jab and blocks a right cross from Donaire. Donaire dodges out of the way from two jabs by Vazquez. Donaire misses with a lead left hook, and then traps Vazquez in the corner and lands some hard right uppercuts and crosses. Vazquez lands two left hooks upstairs on Donaire and escapes trouble. Vazquez is able to escape the barrage, and slips as he throws a wild hook. Donaire throws out two quick jabs. Donaire is stalking Vazquez and lands an overhand right and a left uppercut to the body. 10-9 round for Donaire.

Round 4:

Donaire flicks out a jab, and has an overhand right partially blocked. Donaire is continuing to stalk Vazquez begging him to open up. Donaire is starting to showboat and shuffles around the ring. Vazquez lands two jabs upstairs on Donaire. Vazquez barely misses with a jab. Vazquez connects with another jab and then covers up from DOnaire’s punches. Donaire lands a hard short uppercut and a quick jab. Donaire is holding his right glove open and lands a quick jab. Donaire ducks under a punch from Vazquez and barely misses with an overhand right. Donaire stays active with his jab, and eats one from Vazquez. Donaire lands a double jab cross combination. Closer round, 10-9 for Donaire.

Round 5:

Donaire comes back out holding his right glove open and high. DOnaire lands a hard overhand right. Donaire ducks and pops up throwing a lead left hook. Vazquez lands a left hook to the body of Donaire. Donaire bounces from side to side looking for an opening. Vazquez lands a quick jab. Another jab lands for Vazquez. Donaire bangs a right uppercut and a left hook at the defense of Vazquez. Vazquez lands a solid straight right hand and a jab. Donaire’s straight right hand is partially blocked. Vazquez connects with a straight right hand. Vazquez connects with a jab and then eats a straight right hand to the body from Donaire. 10-9 round for Vazquez, much closer round.

Round 6:

DOnaire has a left jab and uppercut partially blocked. Donaire throws out a quick double jab that is blocked. Donaire ducks under a Vazquez left hook. Donaire lands a quick double jab and then steps out of the way of a jab from Vazquez. Vazquez barely misses with a right cross, but lands a jab behind that. Vazquez connects with two jabs. Donaire lands a quick jab, and a two punch combination, but Vazquez lands a jab and an overhand right to the head of Donaire. Donaire lands a straight left hand to the body of Vazquez. Vazquez lands a jab, and then eats a two punch combination from Donaire. Vazquez misses with a straight right hand. Vazquez stabs a jab at the body of Donaire. Vazquez lands another jab. Vazquez barely misses a straight right hand and a combination near the ropes. 10-9 round for Vazquez.

Round 7:

Both Donaire and Vazquez’s faces are bruised up. Donaire barely misses with a right uppercut. Donaire throws a three punch combination that is partially blocked. Donaire is backing up and barely misses with a straight left hand. Donaire lands a left hook and blocks some hard punches from Vazquez. Donaire connects with a straight right hand to the body of Vazquez. Donaire dodges out of the way of a jab from Vazquez, and Donaire lands a lead left hook and a hard left uppercut to the body. It may have been a low blow. DOnaire ducks under two jabs from Vazquez. Donaire lands two uppercuts to the chin of Vazquez. Donaire connects with another stiff jab to the nose of Vazquez. Vazquez connects with a jab to the face of Donaire. Donaire lands a hard left hook that stuns Vazquez and a straight right hand. Donaire with an easy 10-9 round.

Round 8:

Donaire slips multiple jabs from Vazquez, and Vazquez lands a left hook to the body of Donaire. Vazquez throws out multiple jabs at the defense of Donaire. Donaire misses with a right cross and left uppercut. Vazquez lands a quick uppercut and throws out three consecutive jabs. Donaire barely misses with a jab and ducks under a left hook from Vazquez. Donaire barely misses with a jab, but lands a left uppercut. Vazquez connects with three straight jabs, but eats a hard right hand a good left uppercut to the body. Vazquez lands a jab, but eats an uppercut from Donaire. Donaire barely misses with a left hook but catches Vazquez with an overhand right. Donaire with another lead left uppercut, and they connect at the same time with jabs. Donaire bounces a left hook off the defense of Vazquez. Donaire showboating and begging Vazquez to throw. Some in the crowd begin to boo. Donaire lands a lead left hook and a two punch combination near the end of the round. 10-9 round for Donaire.

Round 9:

Donaire throws out a double jab and then a two punch combination at Vazquez. Donaire with another two punch combination that is blocoked and several jabs. A jab from Donaire backs Vazquez up two steps. Donaire with another double jab and a left hook that is partially blocked. Donaire lands a lcheck left hook. Donaire blocks two left hooks from Vazquez. Donaire lands two quick jabs. Donaire slips two punches from Vazquez. Vazquez connects with a jab, but eats a hard right hand from Donaire. Donaire throwing a lot of left hands and jabs this round, and connects with a hard left uppercut and left hook upstairs that knocks Vazquez down. Vazquez gets the standing eight count and the fight is continued. Donaire slips a jab from Vazquez. Donaire dodges a two punch combination from Vazquez and bangs two punches at his defense. 10-8 round for Donaire.

Round 10:

Donaire throws out two quick jabs and a lead left hook at the defense of Vazquez. Donaire connects with a jab, and doges out of the way from a right hand by Vazquez. Donaire continues to beg Vazquez to open up more. Donaire throws three consecutive jabs at the guard of Vazquez. Vazquez barely misses with a right cross and bangs oneat the body of Donaire. Donaire is weaving and causing Vazquez to miss a lot. Donaire lands a short uppercut, and uppercut right cross combination. Vazquez lands a quick jab at the nose of Donaire. Vazquez lands another jab, but then later eats a counter left hook. Vazquez lands another jab at the nose of Doniare, and partially lands an overhand right. Vazquez lands a hard right cross, probably his best punch fo the night, but Doniare later anwers with a lead uppercut and multiple punches on Vazquez coming from all angles. Vazquez almost lands a punch after the end of the round. 10-9 round for Doniare.

Round 11:

Donaire throws out two pawing jabs in Vazquez’s direction, and then a quick two punch combination that is blocked by Vazquez. Donaire lands a quick jab, and a hard left uppercut to the body and then a left hook upstairs. Donaire dodges out of the way from a jab by Vazquez. Vazquez lands two jabs upstairs. Vazquez barely misses with a jab, but stabs a jab at the body of Donaire. Donaire lands a hard lead left uppercut and straight right hand. Donaire connects with a lead left hook. An accidental head butt occurs but both fighters are ok. Donaire begins to dance and lands a lead straight right hand. Vazquez eats two straight jabs from Donaire. Donaire connects with another double jab, and follows it with a hard straight right hand. 10-9 round for Donaire.

Round 12:

Vazquez needs a knockout to win. Donaire stays light on his feet and backs up in a circle. Donaire connects with a straight right hand. Donaire bounces and stays out of danger from Vazquez, who strangely is not pushing the pace. Donaire ducks under a straight right hand from Vazquez. Vazquez connects with a jab and misses with a straight right hand. Donaire misses with three jabs towards Vazquez. Donaire connects with a jab, and eats a jab from Vazquez. Donaire barely misses with a straight right hand. Donaire lands a left hook body shot on Vazquez. Donaire dodges under a straight punch from Vazquez and connects with a hook to the body. Vazquez lands a straight right hand and a jab. Vazquez tags Donaire with another straight right hand and a right hook. Vazquez eats a short combination from Donaire, and another short combination lands for Donaire. Donaire really shows off his hand speed near the end of round with short hooks and uppercuts. It’s reported that Donaire hurt his right hand during the fight.

Nonito Donaire wins by unanimous decision with official scores of 115-112 for Vazquez, 117-110 for Donaire, and 117-110.

The judge who scores it 115-112 for Vazquez has some explaining to do.

Julio Cesar Chavez, Jr. (44-0-1) vs. Marco Antonio Rubio (53-5-1); Middleweight

Photo Credit : Chris Farina – Top Rank

Round 1:
The crowd is clearly pro Chavez. Rubio is pacing in his corner before the start of the round. Rubio throws out three quicj jabs at Chavez. Chavez throws a jab at the body of Rubio. Chaves throws a jab upstairs but it is blocked. Chavez misses with a wild left hook, but partially connects with an overhand right. Rubio misses with an overhand right. Rubio connects with a jab, and a clash of heads occurs. Chaves bangs a left hook to the body of Chavez. Chavez lands another jab at the body of Rubio. Chavez sticks a jab at the face of Rubio. Chavez thuds two body shots on Rubio. Chavez circles to the right and lands a quick jab. Chaves sticks another jab to the body of Rubio and complains of a low blow. Chaves partially lands with a straight right hand. Chaves bangs another jab at the head of Rubio. Rubio misses with a lead left uppercut. Chavez partially connects with a three punch combination. Rubio sticks a jab at the body of Chavez. 10-9 round for Rubio.

Round 2:

Rubio throws out two quick jabs but misses. Chavez lands a right uppercut to the body of Rubio. Rubio continues to fire his jab at the nose of Chavez. Chavez throws right hook to the body of Rubio. Rubio sits on his jab and throws them out consistently looking for his openings. Rubio partially lands a straight right hand. Rubio barely misses with a right cross, and Chavez misses with a two punch combination. Chavez misses with a jab, and Rubio lands two left hooks to the side of Chavez’s face. Chavez eats a short uppercut from Rubio and two jabs upstairs. Chavez circles to his left and misses with a jab. Rubio lands a short left uppercut, but eats a right hand shot to the body. 10-9 round for Rubio.

Round 3:

Rubio comes right back out and stays behind his jab. Chavez connects with a lead left hook upstairs on Rubio. Chaves lands another left hook upstairs and a left hook to the body of Chavez. Chavez lands a short right uppercut. Rubio connects with a left hook to the body, and has an overhand right partially blocked. Rubio punches Chavez with a straight right hand. They exchange body shots by the ropes as they fight in close. Chavez gets in on close on Rubio again and lands two left hooks on Rubio. Chavez connects with a short straight right. Chavez hits Rubio with a hook to the body. Rubio misses with a two punch combination, and gets stung with a left hook and right cross. Chavez connects with a straight right hand and a two punch combo. Chavez has Rubio trapped near a corner as they exchange blows. 10-9 round for Chavez.

Round 4:

Rubio bounces a jab off the high guard of Chavez. They exchange hooks by the ropes and Rubio circles away after getting hit with the harder shots. Rubio throws a two punch combination that is blocked by Chavez. Chavez connects with a right hook to the body of Rubio, and stabs Rubio with another jab to the body. Rubio is trapped near the ropes but is able to punch his way out of trouble. Rubio connects with a right hook and left jab upstairs. Chavez tries to lean in on Rubio and partially lands with a right cross. Chavez misses with a right cross, and has another right cross blocked by Rubio. Rubio lands some short uppercuts and hooks on Chavez, but Chavez answers them with harder shots. Chavez has multiple punches partially blocked by Rubio. Rubio has four punches blocked by Chavez. Close round. 10-9 for Chavez.

Round 5:

Chavez throws out a double jab, and misses with a two punch combination. Chavez lands a hook to to the body, and several more hard body shots. Chavez landing some hard body shots and short uppercuts on Rubio. Chavez with another hard two punch combination to the body of Rubio. Rubio misses with a two punch combination. Rubio hits Chavez with a low blow and the referee gives Chavez time to recover. Rubio comes back out after the break and sits on his jab, but gets tagged with a hard straight right hand from Chavez. Rubio partially lands a straight left hand. Chavez is stayling low and driving Rubio back into a corner. Chavez has Rubio trapped in the corner and lands several hard body shots on Rubio. Rubio lands a stiff jab on Chavez. 10-9 round for Chavez.

Round 6:

Rubio starts off round six by attempting to work his jab. Rubio barely misses with an overhand right. Chavez lands a right cross and a short uppercut on Rubio. Chavez connects with a hook to the body of Rubio. Chavez gets time to recover from another low blow by Rubio. Rubio barely misses with a jab. Chavez misses with a lead left hook to the body. Chavez partially lands with a three punch combination upstairs. Chavez sticks Rubio with two quick jabs. Rubio throws out a left hook that is partially blocoked. Rubio connects with a straight left hand and a right hook to the body. Chavez moves side to side looking to pop his shots but not throwing much as he moves. Rubio flicks a quick jab at the nose of Chavez. Rubio and Chavez exchange short shots, and eats two hard right hands upstairs near the end of the round. 10-9 round for Rubio in a close one.

Round 7:

Rubio throws out his jab to start off round seven but misses. Chavez partially connects with a three punch combination. Chavez lands a stiff straight right hand on Rubio. Chavez flicks out a double jab, and stays out of range from Rubio’s punches. Chavez partially connects with a two punch combiaiton again. Rubio lands a short left uppercut. Chavez partially lands a quick combination by the ropes. Chavez leans in on Rubio and they exchange short uppercuts by the center of the ring. Chavez pummels Rubio with more short uppercuts and hooks. Rubio eats a short left hook and short right ook as Chavez leans in on Rubio. Rubio lands a decent left hook on Chavez while in close near the end of the round. 10-9 round for Chavez.

Round 8:

Chavez partially connects with a jab on Rubio, and lands a lead left hook to the body of Rubio. Chavez digs a jab and right cross at the head of Rubio. Rubio lands a straight right hand but gets pushed back to the ropes by Chavez. The fans in the stadium are allegedly doing a wave, as you can’t disagree with them the action is slow in this fight. Rubio lands a short right uppercut. Rubio landing multiple short shots on Chavez but none of them appear to have any power in them. Chavez punches Rubio with a good left hook, and multiple uppercuts by the ropes. Chavez bounces up from the croutch position and connects with a straight right hand. Chavez digs a right hook to the body of Rubio and a left hook upstairs. The referee warns Chavez for pushing off with his elbow. Chavez lands multiple shots on Rubio by the ropes near the end of the round. 10-9 round for Chavez.

Round 9:

Rubio comes out swinging with a looping slow left hook. Rubio misses with two jabs and eats a jab from Chavez. Chavez connects with a decent left hook to the body of Rubio. Chavez pushes Rubio off with his elbow again. Chavez flicks another jab at the face of Rubio. Rubio circles to Chavez’s left but gets caught near the ropes. Rubio unleashes two quick combinations on Chavez while his bckack near the ropes. Rubio is caught near the corner and gets tagged with a combination from Chavez. Chavez digs some hokos in on Rubio’s body. Rubio hits Chavez with a short jab, and more short jabs as he backs up. Rubio lands more shots on Chavez but he appears to have zero power. Rubio gets tagged with a jab and is caught by the corner again. They both exchange short uppercuts and Rubio circles to the center. Rubio lands several shots near the center of the ring. 10-9 round for Rubio.

Round 10:

Rubio bangs two consecutive jabs at the face of Chavez, but gets caught near the ropes again and gets stung with hard hooks to the body. Chavez pushes off with his elbow again and connects with a straight right hand. Chavez lands two short uppercuts on Rubio. Rubio gets warned for holding on the back of the head of Chavez. Chavez connects with two hooks to the body of Rubio, and a hard straight right hand. Rubio connects with a straight right hand, but gets stung with several hard uppercuts from Chavez. Rubio ducks out of the way of a straight right hand form Chavez, Chavez lands a hard right uppercut and straight left hand. Rubio lands multiple uppercuts but with zero power on Chavez in close. Rubio gets warned by the referee for pushing off with his elbows and they exchange several short uppercuts, with Chavez getting the better of Rubio.

Round 11:

Rubio and Chavez exchange short uppercuts by the center of the ring, and Chavez is able to slowly push Rubio near the ropes and land several uppcuts. Rubio lands a few uppercuts on Chavez near the center of the ring. Chavez lands a hard left hook on Rubio, but eats a hard right uppercut by Rubio. Chavez pushes Rubio towards the ropes again and lands short hooks and uppercuts. Chavez uses his eblow again to push Rubio near the corner. Rubio is pushed from corner to corner, and they exchange body blows, but Rubio is throwing more punches this round. Both fighters look tired, and Rubio is just throwing a lot of soft punches. Chavez throws some hard body punches on Rubio, and lands several hard right hands upstairs. Rubio connects with a stiff right hook to Rubio’s chin before Rubio pushes down on it. Chavez punishes the body of Rubio by the ropes. Rubio is landing several shots but Chavez is landing the much harder shots. They engage in a furious exchange by the ropes near the end of the round. 10-9 round for Chavez.

Round 12:

Chaves starts off the last round but staying low and pushing Rubio into a corner. Chavez lands multiple hard left hook right hook combinations by the corner. Rubio stays active with his punches and pounds on Chavez’s body, but Chavez lands the much harder punches. Chavez connects with a left hook right hook combination. Chavez digs a right hook to the body of Rubio and connects with one upstairs. Chavez unloads more hard shots on Rubio by the ropes. They exchange furiously by the ropes and into the center of the ring, but Chavez is clearly landing the harder shots. Chavez and Rubio both look exhausted, but are continuing to throw. Chavez digs more hooks to the body of Rubio, and Chavez is walking through the punches of Rubio. Chavez digs a hook into the body of Rubio, and lands several more hooks to the body. Good last round, but Chavez should take it 10-9.

Official scores are 118-110, 116-112, and 115-113 for Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.

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