Floyd Mayweather Jr. returns to the ring to take on welterweight title holder Victor Ortiz in Las Vegas.
Photos: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos/Golden Boy Promotions.
Victor Ortiz (29-2-2) vs. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (41-0); Welterweight
Round 1:
The crowd is amped up for this fight. Ortiz looks to be the noticeably bigger fighter. Mayweather lands a quick jab. Floyd lands an overhand right and a straight right to the body of Ortiz. Ortiz lands a straight left. A straight right lands for Mayweather, and he follows with another straight right. Ortiz lands a short uppercut and Floyd answers with another accurate lead right. Ortiz works a few shots to the body of Mayweather. Another right hand lead lands for Floyd, and Floyd lands a quick hook after the fighters briefly clinch. Ortiz lands a short right hook. A straight left lands for Ortiz. Floyd lands a quick jab. Ortiz lands a right hook. Ortiz lands a straight left and Floyd answers with his own lead right. 10-9 round for Mayweather.
Round 2:
Ortiz throws two quick punches that is blocked by Mayweather. Floyd lands a lead left hook and Ortiz answers with a left hand. Floyd lands a right hand lead. Floyd lands a short right hand, and Ortiz lands a right hook. Ortiz lands two hooks to the body of Mayweather. Straight right for Mayweather is landing consistently. Ortiz lands a lead left, and Mayweather lands a quick right. Mayweather lands a lead right to the body of Ortiz. The straight right for Mayweather lands three times in a row. Mayweather catches Ortiz coming in with a quick right hand. 10-9 round for Mayweather.
Round 3:
Mayweather lands a quick jab at the start of round 3. Floyd lands two quick jabs in a row. Floyd lands a left check hook as Ortiz tries to come in. Mayweather coming forward and Ortiz is circling left. Ortiz tries to come in with a lead left by Mayweather hits him with a short right hook. A straight right lands flush for Mayweather. Floyd’s hands are incredibly fast. Another straight right hand lands for Mayweather. Another straight right hand lands for Mayweather. A left hook lands for Victor Ortiz. 10-9 round for Mayweather.
Round 4:
Floyd flicks out a few jabs and throws multiple punches. Floyd letting his hands go and he may have hurt Ortiz. Ortiz tries to trap Mayweather in the corner and the referee breaks them apart. Mayweather lands a check left hook and another straight right. Mayweather lands a right uppercut and a straight right. Ortiz catches Mayweather with a straight left and lands some straight lefts against the ropes. Mayweather regains his composure and lands more straight right hands. Ortiz misses with a wild left hook. Floyd misses two left hooks, but connects with a straight right hand. A very hard straight right hand lands for Mayweather. Ortiz tries to trap Mayweather against the corner and the referee takes a point away from Ortiz for headbutting. The fight restarts, the fighters touch gloves and Mayweather immediately lands a left hook and a straight right hand that knocks Victor Ortiz out. The straight right hand was a very effective weapon for Mayweather.
Floyd Mayweather wins by 4th round KO and looked very impressive in doing so.
After the fight:
Floyd Mayweather: “You don’t know sh*t about boxing.”
Larry Merchant: “I wish it was 50 years ago, and I’d kick your ass.”
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