Shobox Results: Ramos Scores Questionable Decision, Figueroa Punishes Perez

By: William Holmes

This weekend Showtime is giving out a free preview for cable subscribers, and they chose to showcase undefeated lightweight prospect Luis Ramos Jr. as a free fight to prospective subscribers. This card takes place from Indio, California. Luis Ramos Jr. took on a tough veteran in Raymundo Beltran, a sparring partner of superstar Manny Pacquiao. The undercard features a national golden gloves champion in Michael Perez and undefeated but untested Omar Figueroa. Round by round results for tonight’s card is as follows.

Michael Perez (15-0-1) vs. Omar Figueroa (13-0-1); Lightweight

Round 1:

Perez and Figueroa comes out to the center, and Perez misses with an early wild left hook. Perez lands two quick double jabs on Figueroa. Figueroa throws a lead right combination but Perez easily blocks it. Perez comes forward with a nice double jab right cross combination. Figueroa throws out a double right hand, but eats a hard right uppercut to the body from Perez. Perez lands a solid four punch combination on Figueroa, and Figueroa lands a combination of his own. Perez connects with a straight right hand. Perez lands some body blows, but Figueroa connects with a combo upstairs. Perez lands two short left hooks to the temple of Figueroa. Perez lands a quick double jab, and then an uppercut to the body of Figueroa. Figueroa lands a good left hook, and throws out a combination that barely misses. Perez answers with a combination to the body of his own. Figueroa partially lands a straight right hand, and Perez answers with hard shots to the body. Good first round, 10-9 for Perez.

Round 2:

Figueroa comes out and throws a quick left hook upstairs. Perez lands two uppercuts to the body of Figueroa. Figueroa comes back and both fighters exchange hard body shots. Perez lands a solid left hook upstairs. Figueroa connects with a straight right hand to the body of Perez. Figueroa stuffs a jab in the face of Perez. Perez lands a combination upstairs, and Figueroa is boxing with his mouth wide open. Figueroa lands a nice jab that causes Perez to miss wildly. Perez with a left uppercut to the body and a right uppercut to the chin of Figueroa. Perez lands a two stiff jabs on Figueroa. Perez landing very hard shots to the body of Figueroa. Figueroa lands a combo to the body of Perez, and connects with a double jab on Perez. Perez stays in the pocket and they exchange blows near the ropes. Another great round, and a close one to call. 10-9 round for Figueroa.

Round 3:

Figueroa comes right out and lands a straight right hand. Figueroa lands a short left uppercut, and Perez eats another combination from Figueroa. Perez comes right back and lands a vicious combination on Figueroa with his back near the ropes. Figueroa lands two straight left hands to the body of Perez. Figueroa with a lead right hook. Figueroa is continouinly changing stances from standard to southpaw making Perez guess. Perez lands three uppercuts to the body of Figueroa. Figueroa connects with another straight left hand. Perez and Figueroa dig some hard body shots on each other. Figueroa is clinched with Perez, and lands short left hands. Figueroa is back to a standard stance. Figueroa lands two lead left hooks on Perez. Figueroa lands a combination on Perez near the center of the ring, and is landing some hard shots. Another great round, but Figueroa clearly wins it 10-9.

Round 4:

Figueroa comes out in a southpaw stance. They clinch by the center of the ring but are able to fight their way out of it. Perez comes back to the body of Figueroa and lands some solid uppercuts to the body. Figueroa lands a nice head body combination on Perez. Figueroa lands a nice combination with his left hand, and Perez lands a straight right hand upstairs. Perez connects with hard uppercuts to the body of Figueroa. Perez lands a good jab on Figueroa, but Figueroa comes right back and connects a two punch combination. Perez covers up and Figueroa connects with another combination upstairs. Figueroa lands a hard left hook to the body of Perez. Figueroa is mixing up his shots nicely between the body and head of Perez. Figueroa comes forward and lands a hard left hand to the body of Perez, and lands more combinations upstairs. Perez looks hurt and Figueroa is unleashing multiple combinations on Perez. 10-9 round for Figueroa.

Round 5:

Figueroa comes right out and throws a quick left hook to the temple of Perez. Perez lands a good left jab to the face of Figueroa. Perez throws uppercuts to the body of Figueroa, but Figueroa answers with three right hooks to the temple of Perez. The referee warns Perez to keep his punches above the belt. Figueroa has Perez backing up, but eats a hard right hand in the process. Figueroa continues to apply the pressure, but Perez is able to land some good body shots then turn out of trouble. Perez lands two jabs, but then eats a body shot from Figueroa. Perez landing some hard shots on Figueroa in close. Figueroa lands a good body head combination and is leaning on Perez. Figueroa lands a hard right hook and a hard left hook upstairs. Perez’s knees appear to have buckled from some hooks from Figueroa. Figueroa again connects with a hard head body combination on Perez. Figueroa finishes the round with some short body shots. 10-9 round for Figueroa.

Round 6:

Figueroa comes out and lands an early jab to the body of Perez. Perez lands a good jab to the face of Figueroa. Perez lands a quick combination to the body of Figueroa. Perez connects with a straight right hand upstairs. Perez connects with a nother vicious body shot on Figueroa. Perez snaps a jab at the head of Figueroa. Both fighters appear to be tiring, but are still fighting at an incredible pace. Perez lands a quick combination upstairs. Perez lands a hard straight right hand after the fighters separate. Figueroa lands a straight right hand, and short punches while they are clinched. Figueroa lands some hard hooks on Perez while they are in close. Figueroa lands a solid left hook to the body of Perez. Figueroa continues to apply the pressure on Perez and finishes the round strongly with a body shot that appears to have hurt Perez. Very close round to score, 10-9 for Figueroa.

Before the start of round seven the fight is stopped. Perez hurt Figueroa badly in the end of round six. Perez’s corner stopped the fight, as Perez did not protest the stoppage. This fight had some excellent action, and Figueroa remains undefeated with this thrilling victory.

Omar Figueroa wins by TKO at 0:00 of round six.

Luis Ramos Jr. (20-0) vs. Raymundo Beltran (25-5); Lightweight

Round 1:

Ramos and Beltran come out to the center of the ring, and Beltran is the obviously taller fighter. Beltran throws out two quick jabs but Ramos is able to avoid it easily. Ramos throws a straight right hand to the body but misses. Ramos connects with a jab upstairs. Ramos throws out a double jab but misses. Ramos throws a left to the body of Beltran. Beltran with a combination near the corner of the ring. Ramos throws out a straight left hand. Beltran connects with a short left hand by the corner. Ramos throws out a combo on Beltran but doesn’t connect cleanly. Beltran throws a two punch combination but does not connect. 10-9 round for Beltran.

Round 2:

Beltran starts round two by being the fighter who is coming forward. Ramos lands a soft combo near the corner of the ring. Beltran lands a hard left hook, but Ramos counters with a hard left hand. Beltran lands a straight right to the body Ramos. Beltran connects with another straight right hand. Both fighters miss widely with their punches. Beltran connects with another hard right hand on Ramos. Ramos connects with a straight left hand. Fighters butt heads, and Ramos has swelling underneath his left eye. Beltran lands another good left hook on Ramos. Ramos tags Beltran with a straight left hand to the body of Beltran. Ramos begins to work the body of Beltran and lands three consecutive body shots on Beltran. 10-9 round for Ramos.

Round 3:

Ramos throws out a jab, and Beltran answers with an aggressive combination. Beltran throws out a jab, but gets stung with a straight left hand in the process and a good right hook. Ramos lands short left uppercuts on Beltran. Beltran lands an uppercut to the body of Ramos. Beltran stings Ramos with a combo upstairs, but Ramos answers with a harder straight right hand on Beltran near the ropes. The pace is starting to pick up, and Ramos has a cut above his right eye. Beltran lands a left hook to the eye of Ramos, and the referee rules it a cut from a butt. The doctor checks out the cut on the eye of Ramos as the bout is momentarily stopped. The referee allows the fight to continue. Ramos lands a left uppercut to the body of Ramos. They clinch by the center of the ring, and Ramos gets the better of Beltran when they separate. Beltran lands a good left uppercut to the chin of Ramos, but Ramos answers with a hard right hook. Close round, but 10-9 for Ramos.

Round 4:

Ramos comes out and lands some hooks to the body of Beltran. Beltran lands a hook to the body of his own. Ramos connects with a jab and a left hook upstairs. Beltran connects with an uppercut, and the fighters slug it out in the middle of the ring. Ramos appears to be getting the better of Beltran, and lands a picture perfect body head combination. Beltran throws a left hook upstairs, and connects with a good combination immediately after. Beltran lands two left hooks on Ramos. They clinch by the corner of the ring, but are quickly separated. Ramos eats a left hook from Beltran. Ramos lands a solid uppercut , but then eats some hard punches from Beltran. 10-9 round for Beltran.

Round 5:

Before round five starts, the referee tells Ramos’ corner to wipe off some of the Vaseline on his face. Beltran lands a quick two punch combination on Ramos near the corner. Ramos lands a hard left hook on Beltran, and follows it up with more left hooks. Beltran shakes those punches off well and lands body shots of his own. Ramos has Beltran stuck near the corner and they are exchanging vicious punches. Ramos lands two hook snear the ropes. Fighters clinch by the center of the ring, and Beltran lands a hook to the body while Ramos lands a hook upstairs. Beltran lands a hard left hand but may have head-butted Ramos in the process. The fight is momentarily stopped, but the referee restarts it. Beltran lands another left hook on Ramos. Beltran connects with a two punch combination and Ramos lands a left hook. Ramos connects with a good left uppercut to the body. Beltran lands three hard left hooks, and Ramos answers with one left hook of his own. Another very close round, 10-9 for Ramos.

Round 6:

Ramos lands an early straight left to start round six. Ramos connects with another straight left hand then ducks Beltran’s counter punches. Ramos lands hard uppercuts to the body of Beltran near the ropes, but Beltran answers with good shots of his own. Ramos lands a hook to the body of Beltran. Ramos eats a straight right hand from Beltran. Ramos connects with a good two punch combination. Beltran and Ramos exchange two punch combinations. Beltran lands a solid straight right hand. Beltran follows that with a left hook upstairs. Ramos hits Beltran with a two punch combination near the corner. Beltran lands a clean left hook upstairs near the end of the round. 10-9 round for Beltran.

Round 7:

Ramos comes out for round seven and he has a glob of Vaseline over his eye. Fighters clinch by the center of the ring, and Beltran lands a straight right hand as they separate. Ramos connects with a hard left hand on Beltran. Beltran lands a two punch combination on Ramos. Fighters clinch and Ramos pushes Beltran near the ropes, but eats several short hooks from Beltran in the process. Ramos is leaning on Beltran and attempting to get an uppercut in on Beltran. Ramos lands a good two punch combination, and stuns Beltran with a great left hand. Beltran lands a good body head combination of his own. Ramos lands a lead left hook. Another close round, 10-9 for Ramos.

Round 8:

Ramos again has a glob of Vaseline over his left eye. Ramos catches Beltran with a lead left hook as Beltran comes in. Beltran catches Ramos with a two punch combination as he works off the corner. Ramos and Beltran exchange punches again, and blood is flowing from the eye of Ramos. Ramos lands a left hook upstairs, and Beltran answers with some good body punches. Beltran lands some good short uppercuts on Ramos. Ramos lands a double jab as he backs out of a corner. Beltran continues to come forward and partially lands a combination near the corner. Ramos lands a lead left hook, but Beltran lands a hhard left hand and a great straight right hand as the round comes to a close. 10-9 round for Beltran.

Round 9:

Beltran starts off round nine as the aggressor again. Beltran lands a good right hand on Ramos. Beltran follows it up with a two punch combination on Ramos. Fighters exchange short shots, and Ramos lands a solid right hand but it does not appear to phase Beltran. Ramos lands a solid quick two punch combination on Beltran. Ramos catches Beltran with an overhand left near the corner. Ramos eats a right uppercut from Beltran. They clinch by the center of the ring, and Beltran lands hard body shots as they separate. They both exchange hard right crosses, and Beltran gets the better of Ramos. The bell seemed to ring with still five seconds left to go. 10-9 round for Beltran in another very close round.

Round 10:

Fighters come out swinging, and they clinch after Ramos ducks under a Beltran punch. The crowd is chanting for Ramos. Beltran lands a solid left hook upstairs. They again partially land in their exchange by the center of the ring. Beltran lands good left hooks on Ramos near the center of the ring. Ramos connects with a solid left hand by the ropes. Ramos easily slips a punch from Beltran and then clinches. Ramos connects with a good jab, but Beltran answers with a good close combination. Ramos partially lands a lead left hook on Beltran. Beltran is staying aggressive towards the end of round ten while Ramos tries to hold on. They slug it out towards the end of round ten. Another very tough round to score, 10-9 Beltran.

Official scores are 97-93, 97-93, 96-94 for Luis Ramos Jr. A close fight to score, but Beltran did a lot better than what the official score cards suggest.


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