
UFC 139 Results: Dan Henderson Beats Shogun In An Epic Fight

By: William Holmes

San Jose has long been considered the home base of the Strikeforce Mixed Martial Arts Promotion, and this will be the UFC’s first event in San Jose since they bought the Strikeforce promotion. Not surprisingly, this card features some of the best fighters in the Strikeforce promotion, including the last Strikeforce light heavyweight champion Dan Henderson, and Strikeforce superstar Cung Le.

Stephan Bonnar (13-7, 7-6 UFC) vs. Kyle Kingsbury (11-2, 4-1 UFC); Light Heavyweight

Round 1:

Bonnar and Kingsbury come out and touch gloves. Kingsbury lands an inside leg kick. Bonnar with a body kick. Kingsbury lands a very hard left hook and clinches with Bonnar against the cage. Bonna has his back against the cage and Kingsbury has one underhook and lands some knees to the legs. Fighters separate from the clinch and Bonnar lands a nice left hand that stuns Kingsbury. Bonnar lands a low blow and the referee momentarily stops the fight. They start back up and Bonnar lands an inside leg kick. Kingsbury lands another left hand. Kingsbury has blood coming from his nose. Fighters clinch and exchange knees to the body in the center of the ring. Kingsbury lands an over the top left hand. The fighters are pressed against the cage again with Bonna’s back to towards the cage. Bonnar attemps a throw but misses and eats some knees as a result. Bonnar lands a nice left lebow to the chin of Kingsbury. Bonnar lands a knee to the head of Kingsbury. BOnna lands another right hand, and they clinch again by the cage. Kingsbury lands a short elbow, and Bonnar comes forward with punches causing Kingsbury to retreat. Bonnar is in on a single leg and is able to get the takedown. Bonnar is in side control position. Bonnar appears to be trying to set up a choke, and transitions to full mount. Bonnar is raining down blows as the round ends. 10-9 round for Bonnar.

Round 2:

Fighters come back out to the center of the octagon, and BOnnar lands an early jab. Kingsbury lands a body kick. Kingsbury eats two jabs from Bonnar. Kingsbury lands a switch kick to the body, but BOnna is able to clinch with Kingsbury and take his back. Bonnar drops into a single leg and drags him down. Bonnar is in half guard and rains down some right hands. Bonnar transitions into side control and lands some short elbows. Kingsbury is eating some more right hands. Bonnar is into north/south position and goes back into side control. Bonnar is continuing to punish Kingsbury from side control. Bonnar has a guillotine choke in and is attempting to get into full mount position. Kingsbury is able to fight Bonnar off and Bonnar is back into half guard position. Bonnar pounds Kingsbury as the round ends. 10-9 round for Bonnar.

Round 3:

Kingsbury needs a finish to win this fight. Kingsbury comes forward and lands a jab and an inside leg kick. Bonnar ducks under and takes the back of Kingsbury and takes him to the ground. Bonnar gets one leg in and is in half guard again. Bonnar again is punishing Kingsbury from the top position. Bonnar is tagging Kingsbury with right hand punches and right hand elbows. Bonnar is back into north south position and transitions back into side control and lands some elbows to the body of Kingsbury. Kingsbury tries to come out the back door but BOnnar is able to maintain control again. 10-9 round for Bonnar, should be a clean sweep.

Stephan Bonnar wins by decision with scores of 30-25, 30-27, and 30-27.

Martin Kampmann (17-5, 8-4 UFC) vs. Rick Story (13-4, 6-2 UFC); Welterweight

Round 1:

Story comes out and lands a few big body shots. Story ducks under a Kampmann jab and lands some hard body shots and very hard left hooks to the temple of Kampmann. Kampmann partially lands a high head kick. Story presses Kampmann against the cage but they then separate. Story lands a right head to the temple of Kampmann. Story lands another uppercut to the body and a hard right hook. Story lands a beautiful body head combination on Kampmann. Story lands another hard right hook to the body of Kampmann. Both fighters are bleeding from their eyebrows. Story catches Kampmann with a check hook. Story is landing the lead right hook with ease. Story lands a nice left hand. Story lands another two punch combination on Kampmann. Kampmann connects with a solid right hand. Story lands another nice hook to the body of Kampmann. Story connects with a straight left hand, and Kampmann answers with a straight right hand. 10-9 round for Story.

Round 2:

Story lands another lead right hook on Kampmann. Fighters exchange and connect with brutal hooks. Story lands another left hook, but Kampmann connects with a straight right hand. Kampmann now has story backing up. Story misses with a lunging left hook. Story connects with a nice straight left hand and a right hook to the body. Story connects with a short elbow. Kampmann lands a straight right hand. Story partially blocks a high kick. Blood is starting to seep into the eye of Rick Story. Rick Story lands a left hook to the body of Kampmann. Fighters clinch and Kampmann takes him down. Story looks tired. Kampmann into half guard. Kampmann went for an arm triangle but Story is able to avoid it. 10-9 round for Kampmann.

Round 3:

Close fight so far. Story lands a left uppercut and a very hard right hook to the body of Kampmann. Kampmann and Story are clinched momentarily. Kampmann is on a double leg and is able to drag him to the ground. Rick Story gets back to his feet but Kampmann takes the back of Rcik Story. Story is able to spin out of the clinch. Story lands two hooks to the body Kampmann. Story and Kampmann exchange and eat straight hands. Story shoots in on a double leg but Kampmann is able to get back to his feet. Kampmann lands a straight right hand. Kampmann with the muy thai clinch and lands some knees. Kampmann in tight on Story’s body and is trying to drag him down, but with no luck so far. Kampmann has the back of Rick Story and the referee wanrs the fighters to improve their position. Kampmann tries to suplex Story but Story gets right back to his feet. Kampmann lands some knees to the body and almost trips Rick Story. Rich Story lands a body shot and gets the takedown, but Kampmann gets right back to his feet. Kampmann tries to drag Story to the ground, and Story is breathing very heavily. Kampmann lands a right hand and Kampmann gets the back of Rick Story. Kampmann gets the back of Rick Story and tries to get the rear naked choke. 10-9 round for Kampmann.

Official scores are 29-28 for Rick Story, 30-27 Kampmann, and 29-28 for Kampmann. Martin Kampmann wins by split decision.

Urijah “The California Kid” Faber (25-5, 1-1 UFC) vs. Brian Bowles (10-1, 2-0 UFC); Bantamweight

Round 1:

Faber and Bowles come out to the center and touch gloves. Bowles throws out two punches and Faber ducks under them. Bowles with a quick jab. Faber lands a lead uppercut and a hard leg kick. Faber rushes in for a takedown but Bowles steps to the side and avoids it. Faber lands a lead left hand, but Bowles connects with a straight right hand. Faber lands a body shot. Faber has a right hand that is partially blocked. Faber lands a nice body shot, and a found punch combination bickles Bowles. Bowles comes back with a combination of his own. Bowles lands a jab, and Faber comes back with a jumping kick. Faber with a nice lead hook. Bowles comes forward with two body blows. Faber shoots in and gets a beautiful takedown. Faber is in full guard. Faber lands some elbow shots to the body of Bowles. Faber is posturing up and avoids some upkicks from Bowles. Bowles lands a nice upkick near the end of the round. 10-9 round for Faber.

Round 2:

Fighters touch gloves at the start of round 2. Bowles with three punches but Faber partially blocks them. Faber fakes a shot and lands a beautiful upperfcut. Faber lands a hard knee and begins to rain down blows on Bowles. Faber landing short right hands and tries to get in a choke. Faber with a hard knee to the body and more right hands. Faber with a very hard right elbow and Bowles goes to his back and eats more elbows from Faber. Faber with a guillotine choke and in full mount. Bowles is forced to tap. The fake shot and uppercut by Faber started the beginning of the end for Bowles.

Urijah Faber wins submission in round 2 with a guillotine choke. Great showing by Faber.

Wanderlei Silva (33-11-1, 3-6 UFC) vs. Cung Le (7-1, 0-0 UFC); Middleweight

Round 1:

Le and Silva come out to the center of the octagon. Le threw out a straight kick and Silva backs out. Le lands a lead left hook. Le lands an inside leg kick and Silva lands a hard right hand that causes Le to stumble backwards. Le lands a spinning back that stuns Silva. Le throws a high left leg kick that is blocked. Le throws a spinning back kick that is also partially blocked. Le ducks under a Silva right hand. Le lands a beautiful spinning back fist that drops Silva. Le throws a spinning back kick that misses Silva. Le throws another spinning back kick that hurts Silva. Le throws another spinning back kick that misses. Silva looks to be hurt. Silva lands an inside leg kick. Le throws a straight side kick and lands. Silva looks to be gun shy with CUng Le. Le with another straight push kick. Silva lands a right hand as Le comes in. Silva lands a straight right hand on Cung Le. Cung Le lands a kick to the body of Silva. Cung Le throws another spinning back kick on Silva. Cung Le has blood comingout of his right eye. Le lands a lead right hook on Silva. Le attempts another spinning back kick. Silva lands a hard body kick and inside leg kick. Silva comes forward with two hard punches. Silva lands a hard right hand on Cung Le and presses forward. Silva lands a straight right to the body and more punches upstairs. Sung Le is looking tired. Silva came back at the end to make it only a 10-9 round for Le.

Round 2:

Fighters come back out to the center of the octagon. Le ducks under a wild Silva punch and Silva slips but gets back up. Le throws out a front leg side kick on Silva. Silva connects swith another inside leg kick. Le with a spinning back kick to the body of Silva. Silva lands a kick to the body of Le. Le lands a very hard right hand on Silva. Le throws a kick to the body of Le. Le throws and connects an axe kick. Le with a lead right hand. Both fighters eat a right hand at the same time. Silva with an inside leg kick. Le with a body kick. The crowd starts chanting Cung Le, Cung Le. Le with a straight kick to the knee and a spinning back fist. Silva connects with a left hook. Silva lands a right hook that gets a reaction from the crowd. Le throws out two straight right kicks to the body of Silva. Silva throws out another inside leg kick. Silva lands two right hand hooks on Cung Le. Le throws out a solid jab. Silva comes forward and lands a nice uppercut. Le throws and lands another side kick to the body of Silva. Le with anoutside leg kick. Silva throws out a head kick. Silva presses forward and lands a beautiful straight right hand. Silva with a guillotine in and lands multiple hard knees. Silva is pounding on Le by the fence with some very hard kness. Le falls to the ground and Silva gets on top of him and lands some hammer fists. The referee stops the fight as Le could no longer defend himself. Excellent and exciting fight, and a thrilling performance by Wanderlei Silva.

Wanderlei Silva wins by KO at 4:49 of round 2.

Mauricio “Shogun” Rua (20-5, 4-3 UFC) vs. Dan “Hendo” Henderson (28-8, 3-2 UFC); Light Heavyweight

Round 1:

Henderson and Rua touch gloves in the center of the octagon. Rua lands an early outside leg kick. Hendreson lands an inside leg kick. Henderson lands a hard right hand that stuns Rua, and Rua tries to shoot in on a double leg takedown. Henderson gets in a front choke and lands ah ard knee. Henderson landing blows on Rua by the fence, and Rua is a bleeding from his left eye. Henderson lands another straight right hand that drops Rua. Henderson is in a clinch with Rua by the cage. Henderson throws Rua to the ground and lets Rua come back to his feet. The crowd starts chanting USA. Rua lands a knee to the body of Henderson. Henderson throws a left and a right hook but it is partially blocked. Rua lands an outside leg kick, and wipes some blood away from his eye. Rua shoots in on a double leg again, but Henderson goes heavy on his hips and avoids it. Rua lands a short right elbow to the side of Henderson’s face. Henderson connects with another straight right hand. Henderson throws a straight right hand and it is partially blocked. Rua connects and lands a right hook that drops Henderson. Henderson shoots in on a dingle but eats some hammer fists from Rua. Henderson gets back to his feet and connects with another straight right hand. Henderson looks to be a little tired. Rua comes forward and connects with a left hook. Rua is in on tight with Dan Henderson with a body clinch. Great round, 10-9 for Henderson.

Round 2:

Rua throws a right hook that is blocked by Henderson’s arm. Henderson lands an early jab. Henderson ducks under a Rua punch and the fighters clinch by the fence. Henderson bangs at the body of Rua. Rua and Henderson exchange again by the fence. Henderson comes forward and lands a hard uppercut and a right hook. Rua covers up and counters with a left hook. Rua connects with a right uppercut on Henderson. Henderson’s straight right hand is partially blocked, but he connects with a jab. Rua tags Henderson with two straight punches. Rua comes forward with straight punches and clinch by the fence. Henderson has Rua by the fence and connects with hard body punches and gets Rua into a clinch. Rua’s face is dripping blood. They stay clinched against the fence for awhile and Henderson lands another uppcut to the body of Rua. Referee seperates them from the fence. Rua lands two jabs, and connects with an overhand right hand. They exchange hard punches and Henderson gets the best of Rua. 10-9 round for Henderson.

Round 3:

Henderson and Rua go back to the center of the octagon, and are stalking each other out. Rua throws an overhand right and Henderson blocks it. Henderson and Rua both eat uppercuts. Henderson lands two right hand uppercuts and Rua lands an overhand right. Rua with a kick to the body on Henderson. Henderson goes for a single leg takedown but Rua is able to stay on his feet. Rua lands a very stuff jab. Rua partially blocks an uppercut. Hernson lands a bonb of a right hand and begins to pound on Rua, Henderson raining down blows on Rua and Rua does not appear to be defending himself very well. Henderson raining down elbows on the body of Rua. Rua is hurt badly. Rua goes for an ankle lock on Henderson and almost had it locked in. Rua was very close to being stopped. They are both back to their feet and are pressed against the cage. Rua is bleeding badly from his left eye and they both are breathing heavily. Rua has Henderson pressed against the cage with a body lock. Rua is landing some short right hands. Rua goes in on a double leg and Henderson lands some vicious elbows. Rua takes Henderson down and lands some right hands. Henderson is back to his feet and Rua lands some more right hands. Both fighters are breathing heavily as the round ends and the crowd cheers in approval. 10-8 round for Henderson.

Round 4:

Rua shoots in on a single leg takedown and gets the takedown on Henderson. Shogun lands some right hands on Henderson, but Henderso is able to scramble and get into a crucific position. Henderson gets full mount and momentarily went for a choke. Henderson lands a short jab on Rua. Rua lands two consecutive jabs, and Henderson shoots in on a double leg and takes Rua down. Rua is going for the sweep, and Henderson is able to keep top control. Both fighters have pink shorts from all the blood. Henderson lands a right hand, postures up, and lands another hard right hand. Henderson lands a hard knee to the body of Rua. Both fighters look exhausted. Rua lands a lead uppercut on Henderson. Rua lands a jab, and Henderson lands a jab. Rua lands a beautiful uppercut that stuns Henderson. Henderson is hurt badly and shoots in on a single leg takedown. Henderson is eating more punches from Rua, and connects with a straight right hand of his own. Henderson is exhausted, and eats more punches from Rua. Rua gets the takedown on Henderson and moves into full mount. Rua is now pounding Henderson out with punches. Rua gets Henderson’s back and Henderson is able to reverse and get top position. 10-8 round for Rua. Dan Henderson could barely get to his feet.

Round 5:

Both fighters still look extremely tired and exhausted. Henderson comes forward throws a right hand, but Rua is able to get a takedown and get into side control on Henderson. Henderson trying to use the cage to get into a better position. Rua lands a hard knee to the body of Henderson. Rua is able to get into full mount and begins to rain down blows on Henderson. Henderson with some more punches on Henderson. Rua with some punches to the side of Henderson’s head. Rua landing more blows on Henderson from the mount position. Rua loses the mount position and is in the half guard of Henderson. Rua moves back into full mount position and rains down more blows on Henderson. Rua gets the back of Henderson and gets one leg in. Rua lands a hard hammer fist on Henderson. Rua landing more shots to the side of the head of Henderson. Rua lands two left hand punches. Rua is back in half guard and is able to transition back into full mount. Shogun landing more punches from top position. Rua is landing more hard blows from top position. Rua is back into full mount and is absolutely dominating the last round. Absolutely amazing fight, scored it 10-8 round for Rua.

I scored this fight a draw. The official decision is 48-47, 48-47, and 48-47 for Dan Henderson. Incredible fight and a fight of the year candidate.


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