What to Wear to Boxing Class

What to Wear to Boxing Class

By Bryanna Fissori 

First of all, you are about to get sweaty. If you aren’t sweating then you need to find a new class. Keep that in mind when choosing what to wear to boxing class. Also, realize that you are going to need full range of motion for much of your body in order to comfortably work out. 

Sports Bra

There is a lot of up and down bouncing movement in boxing. Please don’t try and do this without a decent sports bra. It is going to be awkward for everyone. Most athletic companies such as Nike or Underarmour have great options, but if you are looking for something that also provides shape, Victoria’s Secret also has an athletic line, and when it comes to anything bra related, they are usually pretty trustworthy. 


What you wear over your sports bra, should you choose to wear anything, is very conducive to how you are feeling that day. If you are doing partner drills or drills in a ring where you midsection may be subject to impact by the glove or pressured against the ropes, we do suggest wearing something to avoid discomfort. 

Boxers are often seen wearing shirts or sweatshirts that have the sleeves cut off. This is done to allow the shoulders to move unrestricted and so that the top can come off easily even if gloves are still on. Most athletic tops without sleeves are going to be comfortable. 


There are a number of options for bottom attire. Because you do not kick in boxing, absolute unrestricted mobility is not crucial. You should be able to move forward, backward and laterally as well as up and down in a squatting position. Leggings are almost always acceptable for any athletic adventure. S2ActiveWear.com is a mom and pop company that makes great one-size-fits-all leggings that are thick enough to hold up under pressure, comfortable and available in a number of unique prints. 

Cloth shorts are also acceptable. If you wear shorts that are short, you may want to wear compression shorts underneath to avoid any awkward situations. If you thrive on awkward situations and you have a great butt, we will not judge. Professional boxers typically wear long shorts that are loose fitting in the legs, and high waisted with thick elastic at the top. Rarely to people choose practice in that specific attire when deciding what to wear to boxing class. 


The type of appropriate footwear will depend on what type of floor surface is present. If you are in a traditional boxing gym with concrete and canvas, please wear shoes! Boxing shoes are available in all different styles, and wrestling shoes are a good alternative if you cannot obtain boxing shoes. Regular athletic shoes can also be used depending on the type of tread. Hiking shoes will not work. 

If the flooring is soft mat material then you may be encouraged to practice without shoes on. As a general rule, if the floor looks scary, leave your shoes on. Because of the shuffling motion in boxing, you will want to wear socks if wearing shoes. 


Another thing to remember is that if you have long hair you will want to pull it up out of your face. This goes for men and women. In boxing, you should always keep your chin tucked. If your hair is down, it will all fall right into your face, blocking your vision. We recommend you place a backup hair tie in your gym bag just in case. 

If you are a dripping mess type of sweaty person, having a small towel with you would also be a good idea. 

Whatever you decide to wear, just do it with confidence and make the most of your boxing session. 


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